
Myriad Colors Phantom World

“Myriad Colors Phantom World” is a visually stunning and captivating anime series produced by Kyoto Animation. The series is based on the light novel written by Sōichirō Hatano and features a blend of fantasy, supernatural elements, and slice-of-life storytelling. This comprehensive guide will explore the various aspects of “Myriad Colors Phantom World,” including its plot, characters, themes, animation, and where you can watch it. With its unique premise and vibrant animation, the series has attracted a significant following since its release.

Overview of Myriad Colors Phantom World

“Myriad Colors Phantom World” is set in a world where phantoms, supernatural beings visible to humans, have become a part of everyday life due to a virus that affected the human brain. The story revolves around a group of students with special abilities who confront these phantoms, balancing their school life with their supernatural encounters. The series is known for its beautiful animation, engaging characters, and intriguing storyline.

Plot Summary

The series follows Haruhiko Ichijo, a first-year student at Hosea Academy, who has the ability to seal phantoms by drawing them. Alongside his companions—Mai Kawakami, Reina Izumi, and Koito Minase—Haruhiko embarks on various missions to capture or eliminate phantoms causing disruptions. As the story progresses, the group encounters different types of phantoms and uncovers deeper mysteries about their world and themselves, all while navigating the challenges of high school life.

Main Characters

Haruhiko Ichijo

Haruhiko is the protagonist of the series, known for his extensive knowledge of phantoms and the supernatural. He is a kind-hearted and curious individual, often serving as the team’s strategist. Haruhiko’s ability to seal phantoms using his drawings is a unique and valuable asset to the team.

Mai Kawakami

Mai is a second-year student and martial artist who can channel elemental powers through different parts of her body. She is strong, determined, and fiercely protective of her friends, often leading the team in battles against powerful phantoms. Mai’s abilities and leadership qualities make her a central figure in the group.

Reina Izumi

Reina is a sweet and shy girl with the ability to devour phantoms. Her unique power allows her to consume phantoms and neutralize their threats. Reina’s gentle nature and strong sense of justice make her a valuable member of the team, often providing emotional support to her friends.

Koito Minase

Koito is a reserved and somewhat aloof student who initially works alone. Her ability to control sound waves makes her a formidable opponent against phantoms. Over time, she warms up to Haruhiko and the others, becoming an integral part of the team and contributing her unique skills to their missions.


Ruru is a small, fairy-like phantom who accompanies Haruhiko. Despite her mischievous and playful nature, Ruru provides valuable support to the team and adds a touch of humor to their adventures. Her presence often lightens the mood during tense situations.

Themes and Motifs

“Myriad Colors Phantom World” explores several themes, including the nature of reality, the power of imagination, and the importance of teamwork. The series delves into the idea that our perceptions shape our reality, with phantoms representing the unknown and the subconscious. Additionally, the bond between the characters and their collaborative efforts highlight the significance of friendship and trust in overcoming challenges.

Animation and Art Style

Kyoto Animation is renowned for its high-quality animation and attention to detail, and “Myriad Colors Phantom World” is no exception. The series features vibrant colors, fluid motion, and beautifully designed characters and backgrounds. The dynamic action scenes and creative depiction of phantoms showcase the studio’s expertise in bringing fantasy worlds to life. The visually appealing art style is one of the standout aspects of the series.

Soundtrack and Voice Acting

The soundtrack of “Myriad Colors Phantom World” complements the series’ fantastical atmosphere, with a mix of energetic and melodic tracks. The opening theme, “Naked Dive” by SCREEN mode, and the ending theme, “Junshin Always” by Azusa Tadokoro, are particularly memorable. The voice acting is top-notch, with talented actors bringing the characters to life with emotion and authenticity. The combination of music and voice work enhances the overall viewing experience.

Episode Guide

“Myriad Colors Phantom World” consists of 13 episodes, each featuring a different phantom-related mission or challenge. While the episodes are mostly episodic in nature, there are overarching plotlines that develop the characters and their relationships. Key episodes include the introduction of each main character, major battles against formidable phantoms, and moments of personal growth and revelation for the team members.

Where to Watch Myriad Colors Phantom World


Crunchyroll is one of the leading streaming services for anime and offers “Myriad Colors Phantom World” in both subbed and dubbed versions. With a subscription, viewers can enjoy high-quality streaming and access to a vast library of anime titles. Crunchyroll is a go-to platform for anime fans around the world.


Funimation is another major player in the anime streaming market, known for its extensive library of dubbed content. “Myriad Colors Phantom World” is available on Funimation, providing fans with the option to watch the series in English. Funimation’s user-friendly interface and high-quality streaming make it a top choice for many viewers.

Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video sometimes includes “Myriad Colors Phantom World” in its anime selection. Prime members can access the series at no additional cost, making it a convenient option for those already subscribed to the service. Availability can vary by region, so it’s advisable to check the platform regularly.


Hulu offers a diverse range of TV shows and movies, including anime. “Myriad Colors Phantom World” may be part of its catalog, especially for viewers in the United States. Hulu’s subscription plans provide access to a wide array of content beyond anime, making it a versatile streaming choice.

Regional Availability

The availability of “Myriad Colors Phantom World” can vary significantly by region due to licensing agreements. Platforms like Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Hulu may offer the series in some countries but not others. Using a VPN service can sometimes allow access to content restricted to certain regions, though it is essential to consider the legal and ethical implications of this practice.

DVD and Blu-ray

For collectors and fans who prefer physical media, “Myriad Colors Phantom World” is available on DVD and Blu-ray. These editions often come with bonus features such as behind-the-scenes content, interviews with the cast, and commentary tracks. 

Purchasing the series on DVD or Blu-ray supports the creators and allows fans to own a piece of anime history. Physical copies are available on platforms like Amazon, Right Stuf Anime, and local retailers.

Online Rentals and Purchases

Platforms like iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu offer the option to rent or purchase episodes or entire seasons of “Myriad Colors Phantom World.” This provides flexibility for viewers who do not wish to commit to a subscription service but still want to enjoy the series. Online rentals and purchases allow for convenient, on-demand viewing.

Legal Streaming vs. Piracy

While it may be tempting to watch “Myriad Colors Phantom World” on unofficial streaming sites, it is crucial to consider the ethical and legal implications. Supporting legal streaming platforms ensures that creators and production companies receive compensation for their work, allowing them to continue producing high-quality content. Additionally, legal sites provide better video quality and a safer viewing experience.

Fan Communities and Discussion Forums

Engaging with fan communities and discussion forums can enhance the viewing experience of “Myriad Colors Phantom World.” Platforms like Reddit, MyAnimeList, and various Facebook groups offer spaces for fans to discuss episodes, share fan theories, and connect with other enthusiasts. Participating in these communities can provide deeper insights into the series and foster a sense of belonging among fans.

Merchandise and Collectibles

The popularity of “Myriad Colors Phantom World” has led to a range of merchandise and collectibles. From action figures and posters to clothing and accessories, fans can find various items to express their love for the series. 

Official merchandise is often available on sites like Crunchyroll Store, Funimation Shop, and Amazon. Collecting merchandise is a great way for fans to show their support and immerse themselves in the world of the series.

Spin-offs and Related Media

In addition to the main series, “Myriad Colors Phantom World” has inspired various spin-offs and related media, including light novels, manga adaptations, and drama CDs. Exploring these additional works can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the characters and the world they inhabit. Fans can delve deeper into the lore and enjoy more content featuring their favorite characters.


“Myriad Colors Phantom World” is a unique and entertaining series that blends fantasy, action, and supernatural elements with stunning animation and memorable characters. With multiple streaming platforms available, fans have various options to enjoy the series legally and in high quality. 

Whether you’re drawn to the captivating storyline, the beautifully animated action scenes, or the dynamic character interactions, “Myriad Colors Phantom World” offers a rich and rewarding viewing experience. So, choose your preferred platform and dive into the vibrant world of “Myriad Colors Phantom World.”


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